Yesterday my team and I competed at the Florida FFA District 10 Forestry Competition in Punta Gorda. The competition involved dendrology (identifying tree species), forest disorder identification, equipment identification, compass and pacing (finding the length of a set area using paces and finding azimuths), a written general knowledge exam, and timber cruising (finding the diameter at breast height of multiple trees and using it to calculate the amount of usable timber in a set area). We placed 1st as a team, and I was the second highest scoring individual overall. I also placed 1st individually in Timber Cruising, 2nd in Forest Disorders, and 3rd in Equipment Identification, Compass and Pacing, General Knowledge, and and Dendrology.
Congrats! I hope to see you at State Forestry. P.S.- I hope you run for state office because you're a strong and ambitious person