April is a very busy month for high school students- there's no doubt about it. There's AP tests coming up, EOC's, graduation (for seniors), and a whole host of other events. But as my school's FFA President and the chair of the banquet committee, it also means hours of prepping for the annual End-of-Year Banquet.
Last night we held our banquet, which approximately a 100 people attended, and it was a great night for a number of reasons. It was really amazing to see all of my, and my fellow FFA members', work pay off with an excellent banquet. It was fun catching up with my friends from other schools, who I've met through competitions, conferences, and trips, as well as meeting some new people from local schools. That's one of my favorite parts about being in FFA- we really are a sort of family which is shown in how we all support each other by studying for competitions together, going on trips together, and in this case attending each others' awards banquets! I, myself, have already attended a local middle school's banquet and plan on attending many others in May.
It was also great to see the members of my FFA chapter be recognized for our efforts throughout the year. I was lucky to have received recognition for my Environmental Science and Vegetable Judging teams, which both qualified for the state contest. I also received a gold pin for showing my heifer at Manatee County and Florida State Fair, and my Veterinary Science team was presented with our embroidered scrub tops which we wear at the state contest this weekend. Additionally I was honored to receive the Cattleman's Herdsman Award for my work in FFA and with our show cattle, and the Bradenton Kiwanis Leadership Award.
Overall it was a great night!
The pictures from left to right: Me with some of the awards I received, Nick, the 2018-2019 FFA President with the rising sun emblem (the President's station), myself with some of my friends, two of my fellow officers, myself with Lincoln Middle School's FFA president, and my friend Serena, a graduating senior, and I.